The Laws of Cats Paw Island
"I accept you into my pack," said The Guardian.
"But here, you are on my lands,
and you will follow my rules."
If you are a victim or a witness in any of these situations, please
report it to an available Administration member. Don't be shy, and don't
be afraid. We are here to help you and we have the power to take action,
as well as answer any questions you have. The admins are the "claw enforcement" for
this chat server. Do not worry if you mistakenly report something. It is
better to be safe than sorry.
Remember, if there is no admin on, please make sure to save the logs and
send them to an administrator via this link: www.catspawisland.com/message
To get help for anything at anytime, click the "Report" button, and
type in a short message about your problem to any Admin that is on the
list. Keep scrolling text history logs (the saved sections of the scroll
where the event happened), record the time, date, and the room location.
If there are no Admins online, please fill out a Problem Ticket
(accessible from the Map interface) and it will be dealt with in a timely
"But I didn't know!" is not an acceptable excuse on Cats Paw Island. As
soon as you have registered, you have agreed to be subject to these rules
as well as our Terms of Service. Before
you participate in this site, you must read them all the way through. Also
bear in mind that you are responsible for whatever happens on your
account so keep your password a secret. If someone uses your
account and gets banned, this ban will count towards you in the future -
no exceptions. This includes allowing others to use your email account(s) to gain access to Cats Paw Island. Bans can be as short as 12 hours or as long as forever
depending on your behavior and counting strikes. We typically go by the
3-strikes rule, but some special people manage to earn permanent bans on
their first or second try. Also please note when registering you MUST enter your ACTUAL date of birth so it reflects your actual age. Age boosting (creating an account with an age higher than your own) will result in a request for your account to be deleted and remade or a permanent ban if you refuse to comply. Additionally any and all profile (sniff) content must adhere to the CPI rules. Any explicit language (music included) or other inappropriate content will receive a warning and may result in the content being removed by an Alpha.
Chat Rating is PG-13:
Our chat is based in the United States, and so we follow our particular
brand of PG-13 rules. We are not aiming for Disney - think more like
The Simpson's. We do NOT go by: "Well if they don't like it, the
minority can leave!" No conversations over PG-13 in the public rooms no
matter how old anyone is or if they're all okay with it or not. All
R-rated conversations belong in private rooms, period. Your profile and
username are also subject to this rule, because they are visible to
anyone at anytime.
Swears such as hell, piss/pissed, damn, shit, ass are allowed,
but please be light with your swearing. You are not allowed to
swear at anyone either, so please keep that in mind!
Terms of Use: By using this website you agree to the terms
of service described in this document.
Without further ado, here are the RULES:
A. Harassment
1. General Harassment
Harassment includes (but is not limited to), insults, cursing, forcing religious beliefs and/or disrespecting beliefs, using your pose to harass another/using poses inappropriately, sexual harassment, starting and spreading rumors, derogatory slurs, and stalking, which includes creating "secret" accounts to spy on other users who have otherwise blocked you. We also ask that prior to using any type of recording program you gain the permission of everyone present in the room
2. Begging & Public Advertisement
The soliciting and begging of funds, favors or items (characters, artworks, poses, etc.) is not allowed and repeated occurrences will be qualified as a type of harassment. Regarding the advertisement of other chatlands sites we ask that you only link and/or ask others to join through whisper, private rooms, or using the appropriate section on our discord.
3. Spam
Spamming includes (but not limited to):
- Typing multiple messages in a short span of time (also known as flooding).
- Typing with long and repetitive letters. I.e "LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
- Spamming emoticons.
- Generating multiple links in a short span of time.
- Consistently changing an !away message in a short span of time. (These message will appear in the chat box below)
Using all capital letters is acceptable under the circumstances that they are used in full sentences or used for expressional purposes. Do not abuse this.
4. Death & Suicide Threats
We have absolutely zero tolerance for death threats. Talking about killing, how to kill, threatening someone with murder, or encouraging someone to harm/kill themselves will result in an immediate permanent ban. We also ask that you not talk about causing self-harm on the chat (this includes attempts at joking and/or 'Imma kms' comments): it can really affect other people emotionally, often due to personal experiences in their lives, and though it may seem callous, please be mindful of your peers.
If you or someone you know may be struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts, please contact your country's suicide hotlines through https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/
5. Virus & Hacker Threats
We have absolutely zero tolerance for any threats of hacking, sending viruses or malware, d-dosing, and doxxing. Talking about hacking, sharing tricks or links, or discussing any related topic about onsite hacking will result in an immediate permanent ban. Any discussions of offsite hacking will result in consequences, with repeated instances resulting in bans.
6. Propositioning Minors
Cats Paw Island makes every effort to keep its chat environment enjoyable and safe for all users that visit. Cats Paw Island has a lot of younger members, and as such, WE WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY type of illegal enticement of minors AT ALL.
This includes but is not limited to: Offering minors drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, cybering, yiffing - this includes role play.
Important Information Regarding Propositions to a Minor:
(1) If you proposition a minor to participate in any illegal activity, you will be permanently banned from all Chatlands sites, not just this one. Instances of propositioning minors will be reported to the appropriate Internet Service Provider (ISP) and/or legal authority.
(2) As a reminder: by your act of participating in CatsPawIsland.com, you have already agreed to abide by our rules and you have already agreed to our terms of use. Any evidence of unlawful acts taking place on CatsPawIsland will be turned over to the appropriate ISP as well as possible law enforcement.
(3) If we have a reasonable suspicion that any involvement with a minor is unethical in our sole judgment, WE WILL BAN YOU, without warning, even if this situation occurs in a "role play" or "pretend" atmosphere.
Important note: If an incident happens outside of Cats Paw Island, on systems over which Cats Paw Island admins, and/or wunderwood LLC, have no control (for example: if the users are communicating via other social media platforms, we aren't able to help. If you are a child and you have a problem, WE STRONGLY ADVISE that that you notify your parents or other responsible adult and get their help, and it is highly advised to contact the staff responsible for the service or platform. Be sure to save all information and any history of the problem, as this will help the authorities as they work to solve this problem.
7. Administrator Harassment
Do not harass admins for any reason. Admins are volunteers and take on these responsibilities for the betterment of the site itself. Constructive criticism is not discouraged but outright bullying of admins is not allowed. Harassment includes, but is not limited to: begging for users to be unbanned, insulting an admin's abilities, asking repetitively for poses to be reviewed. Harassment in regards to persistently asking to become an admin or how an admin got their position is also not allowed. If there is an issue in regards to a Cat's Paw Island admin, please fill out a Problem Ticket, or contact an Alpha.
See the Problem Solving instructions at the end
of these rules.
8. False Reports & Minimodding
Falsely reporting another user is completely unacceptable. If you file
a report against a user, and we determine that it is not true, you will
receive a warning, or if serious enough, a temporary ban. If you do this
multiple times, you will receive a permanent ban from the chat as a result.
To "minimod" is to take the responsibilities and of administrators into your own hands.
We understand that you may be frustrated by the behavior of others, but please do not issue warnings when you see someone rule-breaking.
Simply put the other person on your Ignore list and report it to an administrator. It's fine to ask someone to stop behaving badly,
but if you take an authoritative stance and try to control the situation,
it reduces the importance of official warnings and undermines the authority of real administrators."
9. Ban Hopping
If you are currently banned from the chat site, and you try to access
the chat on another account, this is called ban hopping. Doing so will
cause that account to be banned as well. Every time you do this, your
ban time will increase. This can eventually lead to a permanent ban if
you do it too many times.
10. Account Responsibility & Third Party Agreements
You are responsible for everything that happens on your account,
whether or not you did it. If someone accesses your account and they get
a warning or a ban, it will count against you as though you
did it. If a banned user accesses your account and gets it banned as
well, it will stay banned at the same length of time as their account,
even if it is a permanent ban. If this should happen, you may
submit a problem ticket to inform us that this is the case, and we will
keep it in mind for future reference, so we don't base any possible
future bans you may receive off of the other users issues. Keep in mind
that if you try to access the chat on another account, it will still be
considered ban hopping, and will be enforced as per the rules above.
Also keep in mind when registering your account you are expected to enter your actual date of birth and accurate age. If you provide a false age (age boost) you will be asked to delete and remake your account in order to correct the error. Your account(s) will receive a permanent ban if the issue is not corrected.
The Administration of Cats Paw Island assumes no responsibility over third party agreements involving exchanged of art, currency, or any other digital sales between users that may or may not take place on this site. If User A enters into an agreement to trade their deltas for an alternative currency on another site with User B and they never receive their part of the exchange, this is not the responsibility of the Administration to make right.
11. Using your Avatar to harass other
Using poses like "Attack" and "Growl" for instance to harass other users,
meaning disturbing them or playing with them against their will, is not
allowed. Poses can be used for fun in any rooms, public or RP, and as much
as you like, but they are not there to deliberately disturb other users. Remember to respect the space of others.
B. PG-13 Rating Clarification
12. Cursing and Language
In general, All Ages rated rooms you can use a couple of the lighter words such as shit, piss, crap, hell, damn, etc. as well as a heavy censor on some of the more severe words such as B**** & F***.
In 13+& 17+ rooms we will allow the use of all swears without the requirement of a censor. Please be aware you will be warned for excessive foul language if necessary. As a general note: all sniff content, music included, must be suitable for an All Ages room. If you are unsure of a swear please ask an admin in whisper!
13. Drug Advertisement
Chatting about legal substances is allowed (ex: forms of alcohol,
cigarettes) in an educational sense. Talk of illegal or prescription drugs for informational
purposes is also allowed (ex: This illegal drug has many side effects.)
Any talk of illegal or prescription drugs in an un-tasteful manner is not
allowed. (ex: Oh man. That -insert drug here- was so good. I got so
wasted last night).
14. Sexual Content
Sexual slang is not to be heard at all in a sexual context, and minimally
in general. Do not be graphic. "Cybering" or "yiffing" (role-playing
sexual acts) is to be kept to a whisper or private rooms with the proper room rating. Mimicking
sexual positions with your poses is also severely frowned upon, and is
not allowed in public rooms.
Your room must be the correct rating if you wish to have any sort of
sexual content. You may face a ban if your private room is not the
correct rating for sexual content. We would also like to make is clear that discussion of 'kinks' and use of sexual terms of endearment (i.e. 'daddy' & 'mommy') will no longer be tolerated. Furthermore discussion of prior abuse, molestation, etc should not take place on Cats Paw Island and should be instead taken to a professional or highly trusted adult.
15. Private Rooms
You are in charge of your private room and can choose the rating and rules to be followed.
As a guest in a private room, you’re subject to their rules and you can be removed for whatever reason
The room rating must be appropriate for your audience and you may not break major rules such as death threats, hack threats, or propositioning a minor. Inappropriate kick kick messages are not allowed.
Inappropriate kick messages include: insulting users, threatening bodily harm, sexual content, ect.
If you think you're message is breaking a rule, don't send it.
Violations should be reported to site administrators.
C. Other
16. Role-Playing
You’re more than free to roleplay on CPI! All we ask is you respect others and don’t disturb the peace in the room. In addition, do not try to force others to roleplay with you. Repeatedly asking someone to roleplay with you can be considered as harassment.
Public rooms can not be claimed as camp or clan territory. Private rooms can be used for camp/clan territory.
17. Art Theft
Art Theft is taken very seriously on Cats Paw Island.
Examples of Art Theft include…
Uploading art not permitted for use on Chatlands.
Uploading art without the artist’s permission.
Modifying art without the artist’s permission.
If you have any questions regarding the rights of a pose, please contact a member of the Art Team. You can also check the Art FAQ for further explanation
Consequences for Art Theft:
3 day ban for First Offense
2 week ban for Second Offense
Permanent ban for Third Offense
18. Multiple Accounts
Multiple accounts in the same room controlled by the same person are not allowed. You’re more than free to have as many accounts as you’d like, but only one account per room please.
Note: Private rooms are allowed to have multiple accounts logged in. You are also allowed to have multiple accounts in DIFFERENT rooms. For example one account in 'The Jungle' and another in 'Rising Dawn'.
19. Disturbing the Peace
Disturbing the Peace means behaving in ways that are deliberately upsetting or unsettling to people within the community. An example of "disturbing the peace" would be trolling, faked reports of deaths, suicides, car accidents, abductions, etc.
In addition, discussion of severely triggering topics are also not allowed (rape, threatening rape, self harm, attempts at suicide etc.)
Depending on the severity of the subject of conversation a ban may be placed on your account. If you feel the conversation would upset others, it’s probably best if you don’t hold it on Cats Paw Island.
If you or someone you know may be struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts, please contact your country's suicide hotlines through https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/
If you or someone you know may be struggling with sexual assault or sexual abuse, please contact your country's sexual assault hotlines through https://ibiblio.org/rcip/internl.html
If you or someone you know may be struggling with domestic abuse, please contact your country's domestic abuse hotlines through https://www.stophurtingme.org/internation-help-lines
20. Links to Inappropriate Content
When sharing links in chat or on your sniff, you are responsible for making sure they are appropriate for the site.
External websites that are prohibited from being shared include those with (but not limited to) pornography, racist/sexist content, extreme violence, scamming/phishing or hacking, rapidly flashing images, screamers, or “shock sites”. If you are unsure if the link is appropriate for the site DON’T POST IT AND CONSULT AN ADMIN.
We reserve the right to judge instances where inappropriate content is linked in public or private rooms on a case-by-case basis.
NOTE: External links are typically for sites that are external to this website and are thus not under the control of wunderwood LLC. Please note that wunderwood LLC is not responsible for any content displayed when a link takes you to an external website.
Feedback & Problem Solving Strategies
Feedback is always welcome! All we ask is that you be polite and
respectful, and we love it especially when solutions are suggested along
with a problem. The Administration is trying to make sure everyone has a
pleasant chatting experience, and the decisions we make are always made
with the users' best interest in mind. The users do not vote or have an
official say in the making of rules, but I can promise you that your
feedback weighs in heavily on our decisions and we need that feedback in
order to know what you want and how you feel about things.
ALL ban lengths mentioned in the above sections are non-negotiable. Each
incident that falls under those categories are all treated the same, no
matter how simple or extravagant the incident may have been.
These rules are subject to change, with or without notice. While we will
make an attempt to notify of changes (via the forum or login page), we
cannot guarantee notification. It is your responsibility to check for
D. Problem Solving Strategies for Cats Paw Island (by Underdog)
"I want to take a minute to explain how I expect members of Cats Paw Island to
approach problems with another user, whether that other user is a
Subordinate, Gamma, Beta or Alpha... The goal is to try and keep the
public forums clear of the acrimony that plagued the previous two
incarnations of Cats Paw Island. I want to make these suggestions:
"1. When you have a problem with some other user, first you need to send a
message to that person explaining yourself. Avoid sarcasm or other things
that would add more "heat than light". State your case plainly and
politely. If someone has done you an injustice, make it clear why you
feel that way, but do not make things more complicated by attacking back.
Resist the temptation to "tell them off". Try to resolve the problem in a
private message.
"2. If you are unable to resolve the problem by working directly with the
other person, you should escalate it to someone of higher rank. So, for
example, if you are a Subordinate and you are having problems with
another Subordinate, send a private message to a Gamma about it, or speak
with them privately.
"3. If escalating to the next level doesn't work, continue to escalate.
There's no reason why you have to go through each level, but try to if
you can. If all else fails, please do not hesitate to contact me (or
another Alpha) directly about problems with an administrator. Be aware
that I want to think highly of my team, but that doesn't mean that they
are infallible.
"4. The main goal is to try to resolve problems without turning it into a
public argument. For what it's worth, any time that I see a PUBLIC
discussion of some problem that should have been handled in PRIVATE, I
tend to be strongly biased against the public debate. So, it serves your
purpose to avoid airing "dirty laundry" in public. This means, be
discreet and private. PM the Alphas, rather than post a negative
"5. If all else fails, and you have moved up the ladder and STILL don't
have a fair resolution, then by all means you are free to take it public.
You could have done it all along, of course. But keep in mind that I am
not going to cave in to mob rule. I am the Alpha at Cats Paw Island. What I say
is final. I want to keep people happy, but I am going to do what I feel
is right, regardless of any public vote.
"I believe that one of the root causes of the collapse of the previous two
incarnations of Cats Paw Island had to do with arguments on public forums. I do
not want to eliminate those, but I want them to be a last resort. Thanks
for helping me reach that goal."
Thank you for participating in our site and happy chatting!